Gender Inequality inside the Queer Community

The result to the dilemma: “Are gay guys treated differently in comparison with gay women in several cultures?” is really a resounding yes. It can be already a fact that not everyone is accepting the queer community. But since it is known that there are two sexes which can be male and female, the heterosexual perspective still concentrates on those two pinpointing factors. For the majority of people, gay men in addition to gay women will still be viewed differently and that they should be treated differently at the same time.

In another country, it is better for gay men, but considerably more dangerous for LGBT women. In Uganda, homophobia was so severe that gay women are raped to be “cured of their disease”. If that’s definitely not cruel, then there's nothing more. Africans have been homophobic through the roots of their own generation—and activists even say that they're “born with it”.

Even though an anti-gay bill was always sent for approval, a lot of brave gays and also lesbians still wish and hope that this will be trashed. What’s more painful is that American evangelical chief Lou Engle supports the bill. What’s worse is he even goes to drastic measures to promote to “kill these gays”.

Engle heads TheCall, who was in full assistance of Proposition 8 inside the U. S. He often preached that homosexuality supplies a “spirit of lawlessness” and everyone should avenge the name of God and forestall homosexuality no matter what the cost.

While an evangelist like Engle lives inside the U. S., generally, it is nevertheless the land of the free. They have made lots of progress in agreeing to and respecting the particular gay lifestyle and have improved in being more tolerant of the gay community. But people state the treat gay women better than how they deal with gay men.

Coming out early within the American society may be a factor. Usually gay men are noticed to exhibit the “qualities” to be gay since middle school, especially in secondary school. Because of the particular adolescent environment, homosexual men are teased along with bullied, to the point of being bashed all the time. Since gay women normally turn out when they already are in college, the bullying can be less and in some way gay women fit in.

This stigma is taken into the adult stage, when everyone has their jobs and really should be attending to their careers. In fact, gay men who enter scandals are much publicized in the media. Celebrities who do offensive acts towards people are gravely designated to showbiz headlines which create a negative influence on the gay society as a whole, especially with LGBT men.


Throughout mainland China, it really is entirely different. Because the Chinese view lesbian associations as more religious, they are tolerant of LGBT women than LGBT men. The Mr. Gay China pageant was not able to push through because it was ordered to be put down.

Another theory in which some sociologists believe is that homosexual women are less offensive for the Chinese society as the public tends to think of sex when these people see gay adult males, but lesbian sex remains a mystery in their mind. So in easier terms, gay women are noticed as being in love rather than being promiscuous.

One culture or race that is more at ease with gay men is the Filipino people. In the Philippine setting, gay men are more accepted since they're associated with humorous acts. They may be seen in comedy, TV, and other types of entertainment.

In motion pictures, gay men are usually always given the role which makes everybody laugh. Outside the movie house, they are furthermore not taken seriously due to the fact that most Filipinos believe that gay men are just the drag queen types.

Gay females, on the other hand, are more frequently in the closet because the Filipino culture often expects its women to become more of the standard type— someone who would get married, have kids, and manage the home. If someone has a tendency to challenge that convention, it creates a bad aura.

Gender inequality involving gay men as well as gay women is definitely the new “men will be more superior to women” concept of the 50s. While we’re still in a period when the unaware still persecute his or her fellow humans, then information about the homosexual lifestyle is still not fully reinforced.

There is still plenty of work to be achieved.